Monday, August 9, 2010

Drink Healthy Drinks--Just another attempt to make people more healthy

Healthy drinking is a vital part of our health. Learn what drinks are good and healthy choices, as well as tips for healthy drinking for your health. As you are convincing your family to decrease their sugary drink intake, you can introduce them to these better choices.

If you are healthy drinking soda, you are more likely to have a lower intake of important nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, magnesium, and calcium. The decrease in calcium can result in reduced bone mass, which can contribute to broken bones in children and can possibly lead to osteoporosis later in life.

Read more--

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Eyes Have It

I have a homework assignment for all you lovers out there that will pay huge dividends. I know this because it is for me. Whether you’re dating or in a long term relationship it’s quite simple, yet very effective: “Each day make time to look your spouse in the eye.” The other day I tried this with my wife Sarah. Ironically because I had read it in a communication book for teaching not related to love.  When I looked her intently in the eye I realized my wife’s eyes had flints of color in them I hadn’t really stopped to notice before. She looked at


Scents that men and women like and dislike

Yahoo! Green

You don't need to spend a lot of money on fancy perfumes and colognes to attract the opposite sex. You're better off if you stick with simpler scents, particularly those that are food-related, says Alan Hirsch, MD, director of The Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation.

Dr. Hirsch, who has been studying howsniffing smells affect moods and behavior for the past 25 years, says he was intrigued by the results of an early study. A group of male medical students were more responsive to the scent of cinnamon rolls than all the perfumes put together. Follow-up studies in the general population yielded similar results.


Monday, August 2, 2010

100 Ways to Say I Love You

1. With Kisses: Nothing says I love you like a kiss! Kiss them when you say hello, when you say goodbye, in the middle of the day for no reason at all. You can kiss them on the lips, on the cheek, on the forehead…it’s up to you where!

2. With Hugs: It’s true, most partners do not give each other enough hugs. So the next time you feel like telling your partner you love them, give them a giant bear hug.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Seven Days of Positivity—Day 4—Bob Hoff

1.  Friday, July 30, was a busy day as we had to be up at 4:00 AM to drive our grandson Jimi 80 miles to catch a flight from Roswell, New Mexico to LA, California. He was so happy to be flying with his very good friend Ryan, who he hasn’t seen for a while. He also flew with Ryan’s Dad and a friend. He was so glad to be flying back to see his Dad, our son Darren, after a vacation here of 17 days.heading to plane 073010 (Large)

That’s Jimi in the front with the blue and white shorts and Ryan in the red shorts with his Dad Jeff. After a two hour flight, Jimi’s Dad was meeting everyone in Los Angeles at the LAX airport.

2. After dropping Jimi off at the airport for hispancakes 7:00 AM flight, we took our oldest son Jeff to the International House of Pancakes for a more-than-hearty breakfast.

3. By 8:00 AM we were shopping in Roswell, home depot looking for some small items and for some house  doors. We need more information from our home before we can purchase the doors.

4. We drove back to Carlsbad, our home, starting about 11:30 AM largely in partbats in Carlsbad because of a doctor’s appointment I had. The rest of the day we lounged around the house, totally because of the trip to the airport, the shopping, and the trip back.

5.We called LA several times the rest of the day and night, but still managed to miss him before we went to LA sleep. The best thing is that he and his Dad will be coming to New Mexico before too long.